Tuesday 14 October 2014



We brainstormed ideas for our title as a group. We thought of perhaps just calling the film ‘Erica’ as this is the main character’s name and does not give too much away about the film, providing a sense of mystery. We also looked at other psychological horror film names. We liked the way that a lot of film titles used just one word as it snappy, grabs the attention of the audience and makes for an intriguing title that doesn’t giveaway much, if anything, about the film. Therefore we also considered titles such as ‘Sinister’ as they are quick and catchy.

In the end we decided on simply calling our film ‘Erica’ as we thought this had the greatest intrigue and mystery to it, and it is the main character’s name so it is relevant to the film.

We went back to the Art of the Title website in order to study how professionals use title credits in their film openings. We watched The Conjuring opening titles and Pacific Rim opening titles. Using this research, we plan to have these credits coming up in this order at the start of the film:
·         Name of the director
·         Writers
·         Producers
·         Executive producer
·         Editor
·         Starring characters: Erica,  Hannah, Chloe
·         Music
·         Distribution company: Momentum
·         Production company
·         Any extra such as ‘A James Wan Film’, for example as we saw on the opening credits of The Conjuring.
·         Title of the film
In terms of how to present the title credits, we have thought of embedding them over Erica’s mental forms. We want to make the font block capitals and easy to read so it looks clinical and medical, which sets the scene.
We looked at many production company names by going onto the Art of the Title website. We researched production company names such as Dream Works Animations, Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Working Title Films and Eon Productions. These gave us inspiration to make our own name original and stand out from others, and it gave us options for words we could use such as ‘Productions’, ‘Films’, ‘Studios’ or ‘Pictures’.  We decided our production name should also be personal to us. We liked the word ‘vault’ as it suggested secrets or something hidden and mysterious, and we wanted the number 15 in it too as this is our age. Therefore we came up with the production company name: ‘Vault 15 Productions’.
Today in class we watched a video from the Launching Films website, the Film Distributor’s Association microsite. It was a short animation on distributors and what they do, and I learned that a distribution company helps discuss how to promote a film with the producers, directors, cinema exhibitors and external partners like publicists. They then decide on a release strategy, and create marketing campaigns through promotions, screenings, public relations and social media to create a ‘definitely want to see’ buzz among the target audience.
We chose Momentum as our distributor as it distributes more niche films which we feel our film is, as well as dealing with horror films such as ‘Woman in Black’. Momentum also works with first time companies, which we are. We didn’t feel the bigger companies like Warner Bros fitted our film as they generally do not work with first time companies.

Saturday 11 October 2014


Media Questions

Why is there a high angle establishing shot in the opening of the film?

There is a high angle establishing shot to establish the setting (in the middle of the sea). It also shows how vast the ocean is in comparison to the boat in the middle of it, and so builds tension as it makes the boat look vulnerable and open to attack.  It makes the audience share the sense of fear and isolation that anyone on the boat must be feeling as they are so far away from help and are surrounded by the sea.

What section does the beginning shot come under?


Why is there a low angle shot?

The very low angle shot makes the reader feel as if they too are in the ocean or travelling along it and so immerses them in the film. It also makes the sea seem stronger and more powerful, to make the audience understand how vast the ocean is. It helps them understand how it feels to be travelling in a boat on the sea, and how vulnerable you feel. Because of this it creates a sense of fear and jeopardy because you are at the mercy of the sea.

Why are there shots such as the men up the rigging?

It is a low angle shot so shows how high the men are and how dangerous the position they are in is. It creates suspense and fear as to what may happen to them.

Is the shot of the boat called an arc pan or a tracking shot?

It is an arc pan, which leaves the boat facing the emptiness and unknown of the mist, creating a sense of peril and suspense.

Pick out social stereotypes

Children are a social stereotype which is broken in this extract, as there is a young, 12 year old child who is working on the boat. He breaks the stereotype of being surrounded by child protection laws and looked after. He is given responsibility beyond his years and treated as an adult, which is untypical of most young children.

What kind of shot goes from one person to the other and back to the first?

Shot reverse shot


What kind of shot is it when the captain looks through the telescope?

Point of view shot

Would you use this sequence as part of an answer on how suspense is built up?


What kind of shot is it when someone responds to something they’ve seen?

Reaction shot

If you picked this as an example of sound, what would you say?

Sound is used when they are on battle alert in the following way.  There is also non-diegetic sound with the use of the drums, which are often associated with military sounds and manoeuvres. They are used as a rallying call to get people into the mood of the battle. They make a strong, powerful, rousing noise which suggests being alert and about to attack, which injects drama into the extract.

If you picked this as an example of mise-en-scene, what would you say?

Mise-en-scene is used by using props such as clearing the table and putting down a blood stained table cloth, which is where people were operated on when on boats and when they were injured. You also see the instruments which are very basic and brutal, suggesting the surgery will be very painful. This creates a sense of fear and suspense because it means they are expecting people to get hurt or even to die.



Saturday 4 October 2014


GCSE Media Studies Call Sheet for Psychological Thriller


Shoot date: 21/10/14


Location: ** Beaconsfield Road, Claygate, Surrey KT10 0PW


Camera equipment:




Lighting equipment:




Harriet Mobile:  07*********                                          Email Address: harriet@gmail.com


Eleanor Mobile:  07*********                        Email Address: eleanormcchesney@gmail.com               


Amber Mobile: 07********                                             Email Address: amber@gmail.com




Wardrobe Erica:

White nightdress

White dressing gown

GCSE Media Studies Call Sheet for Psychological Thriller


Shoot date: 23/10/14


Location: ** Priory Close, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, KT12 1JR


Camera equipment:




Lighting equipment:




Harriet Mobile:  07*********                                          Email Address: harriet@gmail.com


Eleanor Mobile:  07*********                        Email Address: eleanormcchesney@gmail.com               


Amber Mobile: 07********                                             Email Address: amber@gmail.com





Bed with purple girly sheets


Wardrobe Erica:

White nightdress






Fade in voiceover of Doctor Holloway and Erica’s parents talking about her mental state. Doctor recommends she is not released yet but parents argue she must be.
1 Mid-long shot of a girl (Erica) sitting on a hospital bed in hospital nightwear staring straight ahead.
Credits for cast and crew appear on screen
Hospital bed
Will be filmed in a normal bedroom with harsh fluorescent lighting. Erica looks very pale.
Voiceover of Doctor Holloway and Erica’s parents talking continues and the doctor gives in and says Erica may be released. Voiceover fades out.
2 Medium close up of a clipboard with early release forms for Erica on it being signed by a hand.
Credits for cast and crew appear on screen
Fade in heartbeat effect
3 High angle shot of medical notes on Erica’s condition are strewn over a desk revealing she has multiple personality disorder, her name and her age. The scene is lit only by a bright desk lamp.
Credits for cast and crew appear on screen
Old fashioned wooden desk and desk lamp
This will be filmed in Harriet’s house as she has the desk.
Heart beat effect increases in pace
4 The desk light switches off suddenly to complete blackness, and then a bright light starts to shine through the blackness and grows until it’s blindingly bright and fluorescent.
The bright light effect will be added afterwards when editing.
Heart beat is extremely fast and stops increasing in pace
5 Title appears over the top of the white light in bold, black capitals, pulsing to the beat of the heart beat
The title will overlaid when editing.