Tuesday 16 September 2014



I am working in a group of three with Hatty Carey and Amber Giles. We have chosen Brief 7 (video), the opening sequence of a new film including titles, in any genre or mix of genres such as a comedy or thriller together with a storyboard. The maximum length it can be is 3 minutes.

 In today’s lesson, we also discussed in our groups about ideas for genres and first film ideas. Amber was away so Hatty and I discussed and decided we probably wanted to do a psychological horror or thriller film opening as we felt there were a lot of options here and that it would be an interesting genre to do. We thought it had a lot of potential with makeup and costumes etc. but we are still not completely decided on the story.  Overall, it was a very interesting lesson and I think we made a good start on ideas for the film opening.




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