Tuesday 11 November 2014



Today we started building our audience profile for our film:

Age: 15-30+

Gender: Male and female

TV programmes they are likely to watch: TV series of the thriller and/or action genre such as Breaking Bad and Sherlock.

Films they are likely to want to see: Other psychological thriller and general horror films such as Carrie, The Conjuring, Pyscho, and The Shining, and Panic Room.

In their leisure time: they will be out socialising with their friends; go to fast food restaurants like Macdonald’s or KFC, spend time online on YouTube and social media; watch television programmes or go to the cinema. They will also enjoy listening to music.

Clothes: Topman, Topshop, New Look, River Island, Converse All Stars. High street shops that are not too expensive and so within the price range of the young adults in our target audience.

Media: They will spend a lot of time on social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, so are likely to promote our film that way. They will probably own an iPhone or Blackberry so they can always access the internet for social media etc. They will very likely own a laptop or iPad for playing films, games, online shopping, streaming videos on sites like BBC iPlayer and YouTube.

Pictures I could use for my audience profile:


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